About Us

Petit Peinture is published by the Petite Epicerie brand.
Who are we ?
The small grocery store was founded by two enthusiasts of creative hobbies, Laura Nicoulaud and Médéric Mille.

We are a small French company, we offer creative hobby kits for all those who are curious and like to create with their hands.

Our work with an ESAT

For several years, La Petite Épicerie has worked daily with an ESAT, to assemble our products and more recently our paint-by-numbers sets. The ESAT supports people with disabilities, who are unable to work in an ordinary environment or work in an adapted company, so that they can exercise a professional activity, maintain their educational achievements and develop professional skills. In their workshops, workers assemble all our jewelry, haberdashery and decoration kits that you receive each month with the My Make it kits box but also painting by numbers for over a year now. From filling small pots of paint to packaging kits with their components, ESAT workers participate daily in the smooth running of La Petite Épicerie.

It is always with a smile, great kindness and a little shyness that they visit us at the premises of La Petite Épicerie. Working with an ESAT is a real choice and a social commitment that we want to maintain and develop in the long term.

We chose to work with an ESAT due to their proximity to our warehouse but also from a human point of view. We are in contact with ESAT workers every week and this allows us to both build relationships with them and respond quickly to their questions or requests.

The ESAT workers are in contact with very different products and it is a kind of therapy for them to work with so many colors with paint for example or their hands in the beads when they assemble our mix of beads. This allows them to work, for some, on their fine motor skills but also on their memory and knowledge.